Return Policy
Subscriptions Plans
We offer upfront payment plans and ongoing payment plans. You have the option to opt out at anytime on our ongoing payment plans. We don't offer any refund on our upfront of gift plans. However we are happy to discuss any issues you may have and are always eager to come to a solution that keeps everybody happy!
We accept returns for all products within 30 days of an order being shipped. Please Note, the packaging and all products must be returned in perfect condition. We cannot accept returns for products that have been opened, removed from their packaging or tried on due to the type of products being sold. The amount of the refund will be for the value paid for the product returned. Unfortunately we are unable to issue a credit or refund on shipping charges.
If you wish to contact us with regard to an issue you are having, please fill in the enquiry form on the left and we will get back to you as soon as possible or email us directly at